Radar vs Wolf

Short Bio


Radar vs Wolf

I am a

We are a Band

City & State

Nashville, TN

About Me

Radar vs Wolf is a rock band that formed in September 2009 in Riverside, California. The band took shape around the talents of Tom Gorrio (guitar, vocals) and James Bratton (vocals, guitar). They’ve released two EP’s thus far: This EP Is Legit and You Need This EP. Touring off these two EP’s for two years, they decided to settle down in the fall of 2011 and hash out a full length album. In the summer of 2013 Radar vs Wolf will release their debut full length record out of The Paper Mill in Nashville, TN, self titled radarvswolf. The album features production and drums from Mike Marsh (The Agency, Paper) and bassist Craig Schlesinger (Paper, The Remedy Session), both good friends of Tom and James.







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