Zo Duncan

Short Bio


Zo Duncan

I am a

I am a Recording Artist

City & State

Los Angeles, CA

About Me

Mostly known as Zo, Alonzo Duncan, —born November 26, in Detroit, MI, started off as a poet. He spent most of his early adulthood writing poems and stories. After the release of his 2nd book, his focus shifted, and he began to branch into other things. His list of accomplishments varies vastly from being a published author, to creating, designing, and publishing a board game. Although he hadn’t narrowed down what he wanted to do with life yet, he knew he wanted to be a creator.
In 2012, he had a discussion with a close relative about her singing ability and his skills as a writer. He came up with the proposal that if he wrote a song, she would have to sing it. Shortly after, he began writing his first song, “You Say You Love Me”. Although his relative didn’t keep up her end of the deal, this moment led to his journey into the music industry. Zo kept writing music from that day on. As a songwriter he was able to learn a lot about the industry and how things worked.
 In 2017, he left his hometown to move to Los Angeles, CA to further his career. Since moving to LA, Zo has worked with has worked with K Michelle, Lovy Longomba, Butta-N-Bizkit and Mike Dupree among others. Currently, he is a member of HRDRV Records, Mickey Shiloh’s label.



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