PortalTaxi Indie Music Network Hits 4000 Twitter Followers In 5 Months

(portaltaxi.net/music) – We are happy to announce that in just a few months (since June 29) when we created our new Twitter account we have reach over 4000 new twitter followers.  We think that is pretty good for a short time.  As of this date we have posted 4236 tweets and have 4097 new followers.  We think that is a pretty good follow ratio for 5 months.

How did we do this?

We do our best to interact with our followers and the people we follow.  We re-tweet their content that we think is of interest to our members and our readers.  We follow people on twitter who are artist or music professionals.  We also try to follow our fans who interact with us a lot.  The biggest thing is.. we tweet every music video, music playlist, music press release and blog that we feature of yours on our home page.  Our system is set up to auto post this to Twitter.  So all the post you send us also get featured on Twitter.  Good Reason to submit your post right?  Oh.. we have even one better.. it now also gets posted to our new facebook page.  It does not have as many follower because we have been promoting twitter more.. but it is another great feature for us to promote your music.

We wanted to compare our self to another music site, so we found a music site that has a twitter account.   We are not going to mention any site names because that would be unprofessional.. but we wanted to compare our self to another music site that we see on twitter a lot.  We did some research and found out they have been on twitter for 3 1/2 years.  like Since  2009.  Today they have under 2000 followers and have sent over 118,oo0 Tweets in that three and a half years.  Wow, that a lot of tweets to only have that many followers.  Sounds like their tweets are pretty meaningless.. no one seems to care.  We hope to learn from their mistakes.  We hope to keep up our professional Tweeting standards and even better them.  So we have set a tweeting goal for our next  3 1/2 years.  If we just keep at our pace we hope to have at lease 25,000 to 28,000 followers.  So lets go for 30,000.  Well anyway we already beat what they did in 3 years in our first 5 months.. so maybe we should look for someone else to compare our self to.. lol

You can help us by making sure you friend or follows us on all those social networks out there.

Here is a list of our social network page that we have create so far  : )






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