Music News: Singer-songwriter Heather Normandale releases new LP album “Trembling Water”

Bay Area singer-songwriter Heather Normandale has released her new full-length album, “Trembling Water.”


( –  Bay Area singer-songwriter Heather Normandale has released her new full-length album, “Trembling Water.” The record includes ten tracks comprising approximately 50 minutes of music. It defies pigeonholing with deft movements of style and tone from one track to the next, but retains a folk-music purity from start to finish, the primary instrument being Normandale’s charming, caring yet devil-may-care voice and attitude, and being chiefly accompanied by her trusty (and impeccably plucked) banjo, guitar, or steel mandolin. Other instrumentation includes but is not hardly limited to, the cello, the marimba, the Jew’s harp, and – unless a music journalist’s ears can be so deceived – a house cat.

The stylistic fare of “Trembling Water” ranges from bluegrass folk in the vein of Nick Drake’s more tender moments to extremely rhythmic, almost tribal acoustic pop, if such a sound can be imagined. Normandale’s natural and unpremeditated singing, the foremost consistency and capital attraction throughout the record (with the possible exception of some truly ingenious and non-derivative songwriting) lies somewhere between Bjork and Angie Hart of Frente!. Listeners will take great pleasure in hearing startling differences from one track to the next, while enjoying also the same excellent qualities throughout. No single track stands absolutely out from the others, making “Trembling Water” one of those rarest-of-rare holy grails of music appreciation: the music album composed entirely of singles.

The totally audible earnestness with which Normandale’s music has been crafted comes from the character of Normandale, herself, who is a musical autodidact with no formal training, and who has apparently had no real inspiration to attain fame. She writes of her artistic goals, “I began to write and sing to quell my own inner turmoil. It put order to my world in an open and whimsical way, and I noticed it soothed and inspired others as well.”

Outside her own personal endeavors, Normandale also has humanity’s inherent relationship to planet Earth in mind. “I aspire to hone the craft of soul healing through poetry and music,” she writes. “My latest album is devoted to nurturing the aqueous part of our nature. Humans, as well as the earth, are about 70% water. Something so essential to our existence that it is constantly flowing through us deserves some attention.” In addition, she has also in mind the water-consciousness theories of celebrated scientist and philosopher Dr. Masaru Emoto. “I am playing to align and beautify the water molecules of your bodies, our rivers, oceans and rain.”

Heather Normandale’s “Trembling Water” is available online worldwide beginning early February, 2013.

-S. McCauley

Staff Press Release Writer


The LP “Trembling Water” is distributed globally by MondoTunes ( and is available at iTunes for convenient purchase and download

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